Today has been very productive
and the group have worked together to devise a plan for next week’s Big Sell
To start with we went and
picked our locations for the Sell Off and this was done by picking them from a
hat. The group got the following location for trade:
Day 1: Andrews Building
Day 2: SM Building
Day 3: Student Union
In addition to this, the group
felt it best to try and secure some other locations to trade, allowing the
products to become more accessible. We decided to email the Canteen to gain
permission to sell over lunch time as this will be a high footfall area. The
canteen also agreed to promote Solent Reds From this we secured the spot for both
Thursday and Friday. In addition to this, we also spoke to the Library manager
to discuss trading just outside the Library, which he gave up permission to do.
After this the group had a
meeting to discuss how to organise ourselves best for next week’s trading. I
wrote a list of things to do and we went through this as a group and delegated
tasks to relevant team members:
Sam- print
all promotional material including flyers and posters
Grace- research
Google Analytics and how to use this for social media channels
Chloe- Set
up Ebay account for the group to trade online
Take pictures of the stock for range plans and promotion
Me- carry
on creating social media content and
promote the team as much as possible
In doing this, each member of
the group has something to bring with them for the next meeting (Friday 20th
In preparation for my own
tasks, I began creating social media content using Hootsuit to schedule posts
on both Twitter and Facebook to promote Solent Reds as well as the brands we
have collaborated with and how these collaborations will benefit the customer.
To promote the group further I also create a ‘pin’ on the Solent Portal notice
board detailing the groups locations and times of trade. This will allow any
browsers to see the post and gain knowledge on where we will be based.
Furthermore, myself and Bethan
also began emailing Course Leaders of the university to ask them to circulate
Solent Reds trading times and locations. In doing this a wider audience will be
reached, informing customers of what we have to offer. This was then matched by emailing the
university radio and asking for promotion on this channel also. The groups aim
is to target as many people at the university as possible and therefore the
maximum amount of promotional channels has been used.
To end the day I created the
group’s sales sheets for the BSO. To do this I based it on the one Israr had
sent us, however made it simpler and easier to use for the group. This will
allow us to quickly record any sales we make, allowing us to see how much stock
we have left and if we have reached our sales targets.
The group plan to meet on
Friday to finalise plans for next week’s selling.
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