
Today was the group’s first day of selling in the Andrews building. The day went really well and the group managed to sell a lot more than what we thought. We manages to make sales of £437.29 when our target was only…

We did however find some problems with day day as we were situated extremely close to another team and we did not have the right props at the start of the day e.g. a mannequin or tables. Despite this, the group worked really well together and managed to get through these issues. Being close to another group did have its problems as some customers mistook the two stalls for one which sometimes caused customer confusion and sometimes lead to a loss in customers.
We did however, come up with an initiative to gain customers before the other team, and this was to go outside the entrance of the Andrews building and give out our flyers with sweets to explain where we were and what we were selling. We did actually make some sales doing this and so this tactic will be used on day 2 and 3 also.

We replenished twice on day 1, after having sold a lot of the pull over jumpers, the group felt it best to replenish on this, specifically in size Medium as this was most popular. We also noticed a large demand for zip up hoodies and jackets, especially as the other team were selling a lot of these and so the on the second replenishment we decided to stock up on some of these.

We also sold a lot of sale items at 2 for £10 which was surprising as we did not think we would have sold any.

The group have also decided to begin selling the MLK T-shirts at the stall and not just online. We decided this as a result of a lack of sales on eBay and noticing the other group had made some sales on these.

At the end of the day the group cashed in the receipts in the SU and the Cash Office and also did some final replenishments for the next day. As we were in the SM building on day 2 it was very important we had enough stock to avoid having to replenish over the park.

Overall the groups strategy of drawing people in with sweets and flyers worked really well and so we planned to use the same tactics the following day.

The group have planned to split up in the morning of day 2 to get the stall ready more efficiently. Most of the group will be going to the SU to collect the products and bring them over the park and I will be going straight to the SM building to set up the stall. This will allow us to get things done quickly and more efficiently.

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