
Today was the team’s third and final day of selling and went better than expected. We managed to secure the HC spot again as we decided to avoid the SU as other teams had made little, if any sales at all there. 

We made more sales than expected in this spot and sold a lot of the sale items as these were reduced throughout the day. We began selling them at £4 each or 2 for £6 however quickly reduced this to £2 each as we wanted to get as many sales as possible and sell all of the items. This worked and is shown through the increase in sales of these products throughout the day. The SU products also sold really well today with a lot of customers purchasing multiple items leading to bigger sales. 

We did not replenish items today as we wanted to concentrate on selling what we had left and maintain the product mix aesthetic as much as possible.

On this day we also pushed the prize draw and giveaways as much as possible, using them as a buying incentive for customers, again to make as many purchases as possible.

All together we made £381.09 on this day.

At the end of the day we totted up the number of total sales, SU sales and non SU sales and cam up with the following results:

- A total of 68 units were sold
- A total of £1012.30 was made
- £927.80 of this was SU products
- £84.50 of this was non SU products e.g. sale items

Overall the group have worked really well together over the past three days and this shows in the success of sales. Although the experience has been difficult at times, the group pulled together to make the most of situations and gain as many sales as possible.

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